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Bath Time

When was the last time you took a bath?

Many of us gave up our nightly bathing ritual when we were kids. But adults can enjoy a nice soak in the tub too.

Baths are an amazingly effective medicine if you can believe it. No need for a spoonful of sugar to get this one down.

A hot bath is a potent way to fight off parasites and generally restore balance in the body. The heat induces fever-like conditions, helping your body get back to homeostasis and making it difficult for parasites and any other buggers to survive. These medicinal baths also open detoxification pathways and encourage the body to heal.

Here is how to take a detox bath:

1. De-chlorinated water is CRUCIAL. My doctor recommends filters from this company: As you fill up the bath, open a window and leave the room. The filter will get rid of chlorine in the water but there is still chlorine in the steam. And there should be lots of steam because this bath should be HOT!

2. Add 6-8 cups of one of these items or a mix of them

(DON’T mix anything with vinegar or your bath could turn into a volcano)

Epsom Salt

Hydrogen Peroxide

Baking Soda

Apple Cider Vinegar

Essential Oils (make sure they are pure, therapeutic grade.) (5-10 drops)

EX. 4-5 cups baking soda with 2-3 cups salt. (a potent combo for liver detox) Don’t be too crazy about it. It’s not a precise science.

3. Dry Brush First. Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system. It is a good practice to do everyday and is especially effective before a bath. Make sure to use a brush that is pure and natural with no chemical additives.

4. While you are in the bath, you should be sweating. That is a sign that the bath is hot enough to do some good healing work. It is perfectly OK if the bath is so hot that you have to get out every once in a while or that you feel your heart beat in your throat. Just don’t pass out.

5. Scrub your skin vigorously while in the water. Get some gloves/mitts, (clean and natural with no chemicals of course). Exfoliating allows your body to detox through your skin. This is especially important for those of us with tattoos.

6. Relax and enjoy. Light candles. Play music. Meditate. RELAX! Take a break from the chaos of life and sink into a delicious bath. The physiological/emotional healing is half the journey.

7. Lather up after. Use pure oil like coconut oil and lather up your entire body. Your skin will feel divinely soft.

8. Stay warm. After the bath, keep your body warm to maximize benefits. I usually get straight into bed after my bath/coconut oil ritual.

If you enjoy these baths, do them as often as you feel called to. Everyday, twice a day, once a week, once a month. Be considerate of the drought but you really can’t overdo it. Switch around the ingredients you use to keep any bugs guessing.


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