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Self Care Strategies for a Stressed Out Society

If you’ve been feeling like everything is crazy right now, you're right! The climate is warming at a catastrophic rate; our water, soil and air are becoming saturated with pollution; our food is mostly toxic, disease is sweeping the nation; our political system is a ridiculous spectacle; and our friends and family are being murdered on the street by the very people who vowed to protect us. A major “WHAT THE FUCK” is totally warranted here.

We should all do our very best every day to fix these terrible injustices and change the world for the better. We should eat real food, plant trees, boycott, protest, vote etc. etc. etc. But these things take time, and while we are in the process of radically improving the system that is falling apart all around us, we need to make sure we are taking care of ourselves. After all, we can’t dismantle a flawed socio-economic-political system if we are too tired to persevere as individuals. Let’s make this new program a truly sustainable one by valuing the health and happiness of our communities.

Here are 8 simple strategies for recharging your personal energy stores amidst stressful situations:

  1. Breathe. I know it sounds trite but take more time to focus on your breath. It doesn’t have to be anything extreme. Simply taking a few intentional inhales and exhales can really help, especially if you are in the middle of a heated conversation with a xenophobic misogynist… Breathe deeply into your belly, not just your chest, and fill your lungs with fresh air. It is this simple act that keeps us alive after all, let’s not undervalue that.

  1. Get Grounded. Put your feet on the earth. We are constantly exposed to all kinds of electromagnetic waves with WiFi and cell phones and smart meters, but those devices radiate at a different frequency than the earth and our bodies do. Put your bare feet on the soil and feel the vibration of the earth. Allow it to resonate through every bone and every cell in your body. Slow down and get in tune with the pace of the planet.

  1. Go Outside. It doesn’t matter where you live. Whether you’re in the city or the forest, nature is all around you. Whether you find a perfectly manicured lawn, a dandelion growing through a crack in the sidewalk, or a vast, empty beach, take a moment to appreciate the world around you. Those trees and plants are keeping you alive everyday, you are not immune from your environment, even if you live in the city. Enjoy the sun, the sky, the plants, animals, whatever it is wherever you are that reminds you that you are a living, breathing earth creature.

  1. Express Yourself. Make music, sing, play an instrument, dance, write poetry, talk to your friends, make weird noises with your mouth and body, it’s all good! It is important to have a form of self expression, even if you don’t know what exactly it is you are expressing. Get those thoughts and feelings out into the atmosphere, whether you use words to express them or not. This simple practice helps to release stress and confront our feelings so that we can see them in a new light and develop new ways to deal with our issues.

  1. Take a Bath. Bathing is a healing ritual that helps the body to detoxify both literally and figuratively. Detoxification is important because we are exposed to so many poisons as with live and breathe in our daily environments. On top of exposure from outside sources, our bodies create endogenous toxins as a natural response to stress and other emotions. Letting these toxic substances build up in the body is very dangerous and yet I am sure we are all absorbing a lot of toxicity from external and internal sources right now. We could all use a little help with opening up your body’s detoxification pathways and a nice salt water cleanse does just that. Not only is this hydrotherapy beneficial for your physical health, but taking time to soak and relax is essential in getting your mind/body back to a restful homeostatic state.

  1. Sleep and Sleep Well. Most of us spend a large portion of the day running around in full on stress mode. We rush from task to task always looking forward to the next thing. We rarely take a minute to slow down and when we finally finish our work week, we need immediate ways to unwind. But there is one powerful way to unwind that we all still do everyday. Sleep is unavoidable. It is your body’s time to restore its natural balance. When you are resting, your body is doing a lot of work to recover from the day before, removing toxins from the body, healing wounds and regaining strength for tomorrow. Your body needs that time. You will not survive without sleep. So let’s put a little bit of care and attention into this vital activity. In addition to getting enough sleep, there are some ways to improve your sleep cycles and help your body get the most out of rest. Avoid eating before bed (wait 2-3 hours after eating before going to sleep). Make your room dark (especially avoid blue light). Unplug everything near your bed (especially if you have a WiFi router in your room). Turn your phone off or at least on airplane mode. Honor your sleep sanctuary and get the rest you need and deserve.

  1. Enjoy Solitude. We are overstimulated all the time, and many of us are very uncomfortable with alone time, with silence, without our computers or cell phones. Take a day, a week, an hour out of your day to turn your phone off, disconnect from all social platforms and enjoy some quiet time. Maybe you meditate. Maybe you read a book. Maybe you go for a walk. Maybe you just lay in your house and day dream. Whatever it is, make sure you have a moment to be by yourself. Sit with your own thoughts and step away from the opinions of the other 9 billion people on this planet. It’s easy to get sucked into a spiral of other people’s judgements and cultural expectations. When you take alone time like this, you get to be truly, honestly yourself. Even if its just for a little while, I think you’ll find it quite refreshing.

  1. Share Loving Kindness. Embrace your community. There are many people and plants and animals that came together to keep you alive today, and everyday. This is your community even if you don’t know them personally. Thank them. Express gratitude to the people in your life. Show compassion for your friends and family. Empathize with the emotions that others are feeling. Step outside of yourself to care for others. Nurture a plant, snuggle a pet, perform a random act of kindness and don’t expect anything in return. It is healthy to share. It’s natural for us to be generous even if capitalism tells us not to. When the odds are stacked against us, there is no room for more animosity. Our best bet is to join together and support each other. WE shall overcome.

I know things seem terrible at times. And your feelings of stress, anger, and sadness are all totally warranted. The shit is really hitting the fan. But if we are to progress, to move through this time of change with grace, we must start by looking at our own lives.

Remember to check in with yourself and make sure you are taking care. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just be good to yourself. Be good to each other. Take a moment to remember that you are a human being and not a machine.

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