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Winter is Here!

Winter solstice means that we've made it through the darkest days! It may be cold but the light is retuning. ​Now is an excellent time for hibernating and rejuvenating. Drink soup, take a hot bath, curl up in a blanket, eat lots of healing and warming herbs. Light beeswax candles to amplify the little light that remains this time of year. Get outside and appreciate the winter sun! Engage in self reflection, celebration, and lots of rest. ​

Thank goddess citrus is so abundant this time of year because immunity is low and people are cooped up in close quarters. Drink warm lemon water with honey daily for an immune boost. Eat lots of oranges and grapefruit for the powerful antimicrobial action of citrus fruits.

Other wellness tips to prevent illness during winter: wear warm clothes, eat lots of garlic, drink tea, consume plenty of bone broth and probiotic foods to keep your gut in top shape and add aromatic herbs as much as possible!

If you do catch a cold or flu, elderberry syrup is here to help! Make your own or buy a brand with well sourced ingredients and no additives/preservatives. I like Honey Gardens. Take 1 Tbs a few times a day for 1 week until symptoms are gone.

Stay warm and healthy ya'll!

What’s in season: citrus, roots (onions, beets, carrots, rutabagas etc.), gourds, cruciferous veggies (cabbage, cauliflower, kale etc.) and hardy bitter greens (chicory, escarole etc.)

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