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Fall Thoughts

Fall is here! Not sure how that happened but here we are in the time of waning sunlight. This summer has been a bizarre whirlwind of changed plans and emotional rollercoasters.

I don’t know what to say about this catastrophic time but I’m thinking a lot about the botanical concept of serotiny - that shocking moment in a plant’s life when flood or fire says to a seed: “now is your opportunity.” We are in the midst of the chaos, and it seems scary and devastating, but seeds are germinating. (If you want to explore this metaphor further, check out Lead to Life‘s inspiring work!!)

This season provides opportunities for harvesting nourishment (filling up your cup so to speak), getting cozy and grounded, and embracing change/death. Funnel the energy harvested during the warm season into your roots and take time to rest. As we enter autumn, I encourage you to think about letting go. Listen to the wisdom of the trees and let those leaves drop! Trust the process of death/rebirth and enjoy the freedom that comes when you say “I’m done with that.” Let things die and decompose so we can move on to the next chapter. Let go of old paradigms, brain pathways that aren’t serving your wellbeing, toxic relationships and antiquated societal norms. Now is a great time to unlearn and dismantle systemic racism, patriarchy and all other forms of oppression. A new world is possible if we let go of the way things have been in the past.

I hope you all are finding moments of groundedness and connection during these tumultuous times. We need to breathe and remain centered if we are going to succeed in birthing a different way of being in the world. While human things feel horrible and devastating, I am continually coming back to Robin Wall Kimmerer’s question in Braiding Sweetgrass: “Do you think that the earth loves you back?” She says, “Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond.” Reflect on that this harvest season and notice how your biology changes when you feel earth’s bounty as a gift of love.

What's in season:

Winter squash, pumpkins, root veg (beets, carrots, turnips etc.), potatoes, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, garlic, kale, spinach, raspberries, grapes, apples, pears and cranberries.

Here I am harvesting huckleberries in my favorite redwood forest. Still soaking up all the joy and sweet fruit of summer.


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